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Relaxing electronic music for studying concentration

Vistas: 2 Agregado por: Orlando_Trosell e-orlando 
Descripción del material:

Relaxing electronic music for studying concentration, memory and focus for study long, reading and relax.

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● Compilation
1. https://youtu.be/Ujqdle7CvIU
2. https://youtu.be/BX2MtlrhSZk
3. https://youtu.be/d-eoOH243MA

● How to study
When you sit down to study, how do you transfer that massive amount of information from the books and notes in front of you to a reliable spot in your mind? You need to develop good study habits as outlined below. At first, it'll take a good deal of conscious effort to change your studying ways, but after a while, it'll become second nature, and studying will be easier to do.

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Duración del video: 01:05:50
Autor: Best Music Compilation
Total de comentarios: 0